of the public organization

short name – UPA, ID code – 39511360

The actual address of the main office of the UPA:

Kiyv, Shovkovychna str. 10, 4th entrance (code 27), office 27

(Khreschatyk Metro Station, Arsenalnaya Metro Station – 5 minutes on foot; 300 meters from the Parliament of Ukraine and the Presidential Administration)

H How to find us?

Our address: Kyiv, Shovkovuchna str, 10, 4th entrance (without a code), 2nd floor, office 27.

We are near the Khreshchatyk and Arsenalnaya metro stations – 5 minutes walk.

We are near the Parliament of Ukraine (Verhovna Rada) – 300 meters.

Adress UPA Polygraph Association

Follow the link from your mobile:

OfficeUkrainian Polygraph Association

The Office of The Ukrainian Polygraph Association