Training of polygraph examiners

Official courses


Choosing a place of study is question # 1 for those who are starting out in the profession.

We recommend you to spend 10 minutes on this page so as not to waste years late.

THE UKRAINIAN POLYGRAPH ASSOCIATION (UPA) conducts training of polygraph examiners and organizes courses of expert polygraph examiners.

Since 2014, we have trained 150+ polygraph examiners, including for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, the National Police, Security Service of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigation, the State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine “Ukrzaliznytsia”, the Agrarian Fund of Ukraine, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise and a large number of private corporations.

курсы полиграфологов обучение полиграфологов

The photo shows the practical lessons of a group of future polygraph examiners. In the group, all students are divided into subgroups. Students test each other, consolidating their polygraph testing skills.


“Wrong knowledge is much worse than ignorance” (A. Diesterweg)

Currently there are a large number of private schools and polygraph examiners offering their services in teaching polygraph skills.

It is difficult for a person who has just decided to become a polygraph examiner to navigate the variety of proposals.

Most of them become hostage by “marketing pictures” and the false promises of dishonest teachers.

Do not let yourself be misleading
Some of our “colleagues” are trying to provide a training service for polygraph examiners without a license and without a proper education document.

As a result of pseudo-education, they will issue you a “course paper” on behalf of a private entity that is not licensed for educational activities contrary to Clause 6 of Art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of Economic Activities” and does not meet the Licensing Conditions for Educational Activities established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The direct proof of necessity of training for the polygraph examiner according to the state standards is:

1. Instruction on the procedure of using the polygraph in the activity of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, which clearly defines the specialist of the polygraph:

specialist of the polygraph — is an employee of the prosecutor’s office, who has a master’s degree or a specialist’s degree and has received postgraduate education in polygraph specialist training programs in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine on the procedure for obtaining postgraduate education, and whose functional responsibilities (job descriptions) provide for such a survey”.

2. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated May 11, 2017 № 449«On approval of the Procedure for conducting psychophysiological research with the use of a polygraph at the State Bureau of Investigation», which clearly defines a polygraph specialist:

specialist of the polygraph — is an employee of the structural unit of the Bureau or, if necessary, a third-party specialist who is fluent in the state language, holds a master’s degree and has completed postgraduate training in polygraph specialist training program“.

We are the only ones who will sign a written agreement with you and provide an educational document of “expert polygraph examiner” of the state sample of National University.

EXPERT POLYGRAPH EXAMINER – is a profession, which was officially approved in 2010 in the National Classifier of Professions of Ukraine (profession code – 2144.2).

We strongly recommend you do not go to private schools that have no license for educational services, a science base, and teachers with academic degrees.


  • gaining knowledge in the field of natural science fundamentals of polygraph researches
  • gaining knowledge in the field of special terminology
  • gaining knowledge in the field of legal bases and organizational features of polygraph testing
  • mastering technical devices used in the research
  • mastering effective methods and tests
  • mastering the specifics of analysis of the polygraph tests results and drawing an expert conclusion
  • mastering the ethics of the polygraph examiner

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    The Scientific-Educational Center has been established at the Ukrainian Polygraph Association, which includes professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, the best polygraph examiners of Ukraine who have experience in working with a polygraph for over 15 years.

    T. Morozova, President of UPA

    Tetiana Morozova – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Senior Research Officer, President of UPA. Author of 76 scientific works in the field of polygraphy, legal psychology, including the first in Ukraine textbook on polygraphy.

    Studied at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnodar Krai in 2003, passed a training course at the Kuban State Technological University in 2006.

    Morozova won the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine contest and led the testing of candidates to the State Bureau of Investigation and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

    Author of the first and only Ukrainian textbook on instrumental lie detection “Polygraphology”.

    V. Barko, member of the Expert-methodical council of UPA

    Vadym Barko – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Sociology and Psychology Department.

    In 1999 he graduated from the Academy of Legal Psychophysiology (USA, Florida, Largo), in 2003 he upgraded his qualification at Epos School.

    Vadym Barko is an author of more than 25 scientific articles and papers in the field of instrumental lie detection, one of the most experienced polygraph examiners in Ukraine.

    Currently V. Barko is a professor and provides teaching in several universities in Ukraine. His graduates, which more than 3000, have repeatedly gave positive feedback on the cognitive and understandable methodology of reporting information, which is a result of his long-term teaching experience.

    V. Vedmid, executive director of UPA

    Volodymyr Vedmid – executive director of UPA, teacher of psychology at Odessa I.Mechnikov National University, expert polygraph examiner, lawyer.

    Practice since 2012, has conducted more than 1000 researches, representative of the school of psychophysiology of the first President of VAP, doctor, developer of the polygraph “RUBIKON” O. Dubrovskyi.

    V.Vedmid is a co-author of Methodology of psychophysiological research with polygraph use of UPA.

    Co-author of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Polygraph Activity”.

    ласунова светлана вап полиграфолого поліграфолог вап світлана ОНУ мечникова

    S. Lasunova, candidate of pedagogical sciences

    Svitlana Lasunova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.), Docent of Social Assistance and Practical Psychology Department of Odessa I.Mechnikov National University, Head of Odessa Regional Office of UPA, member of the Expert-methodical council of UPA.

    Received basic education as a polygraph examiner at the Information Reliability Assessment Centre “Polygraph Center” (Odessa). Passed the course of qualification upgrade at V. Korovin Center of Applied Psychophysiology.

    Lasunova is a developer and curator of advanced training programs for polygraph examiners («Psychophysiological methods of research and expertise with the use of polygraph», «Applied and Judicial Psychophysiology»), which are implemented based on Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University.

    REASON №2: document on education of the state model and automatic inclusion of graduates in the Unified register of polygraph examiners

    Polygraph examiners who have completed a training course on the basis of the VAP are granted a state certificate. As part of the cooperation agreement with Odessa Mechnikov National University, the training program for polygraph examiners was standardized and approved by the Academic Council of the Odessa Mechnikov National University.

    We are the only one on the market who will provide you with an official document on the education of a polygraph examiner and enter into a written contract with you.

    диплом свидетельство свідоцтво поліграфолога

    Only after our courses graduates automatically join the


    Graduates of other courses are required to submit a package of documents for review and assessment to decide whether to include them to this Register.

    Reason №3: ​​universal training course

    The basis is an approved university training program that combines the most effective research techniques according to national and international standards.

    We do not use any “authoring” methodologies and techniques in teaching.

    We use classic and modified methodologies that reveal crimes and give the highest accuracy of polygraph tests (up to 99%)

    We provide effective training

    Как обучиться на полиграфолога де отримати освіту поліграфолога где получить образование курсы полиграфологов обучение

    In the course of training, we teach students to use a variety of methodologies that have proven to be the most effective in the last 5 years.

    The UPA training course combines the experience and achievements of all the world’s leading schools (USA, Japan, and Russia) and individual scientific “luminaries” in the field of instrumental lie detection: V. Varlamov, Y. Holodnyi, C. Slapski, N. Hordon, A. Pelenitsyn, A. Luria, К. Bakster.

    Thanks to diverse teachers and methodologies, our students can gain comprehensive knowledge and continue to use the full range of currently available methods in the field of polygraph researches.

    The photo shows practical training during the training of polygraph examinerse

    Reason №4: multi-stage training and individual support

    The curriculum on conducting research using a polygraph consists of three consecutive mandatory stages:

    • Preparatory (external) stage – self-familiarization with the theoretical bases, which allows to understand the general principles and terminology of the expert polygraph examiner profession.
    • Full-time – the main stage –study directly theoretical, methodical and practical material, perform voluminous homework.
    • Individual curatorial support – each graduate is assigned an individual curator who assists for six follow-up months in all questions that arise. Details of all the stages are below.
    как стать полиграфологом обучение курсы образование диплом полиграфолога диплом курси освіта поліграфолога вап морозова

    The photo shows President of UPA, Doctor of Psychological Sciences T. Morozova takes an exam at a future graduate of the UPA polygraph examiner courses

    Reason №5: obtaining skills in four polygraphs at once

    There are the best in the world polygraphs in our arsenal: RUBICON, LAFAYETTE, AXCITON, RIF.

    Students receive skills in all these polygraphs and can make their own decisions about which one they will use after a polygraph training.


    Поліграф Рубікон рубикон Axciton Lafayette Риф

    The photo shows polygraphs: Rubicon, Lafayette, Rif, and Axciton. On these most famous polygraphs in the world, we conduct training

    RUBICON is the only polygraph in Ukraine that has all permits of the state standard.


    Are you interested in the profession of “polygraph examiner”?

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      From the beginning, we set a high bar for our school and the main condition – do not to pursue quantity, but to work on quality.

      • age 24+
      • compulsory higher education (specialty does not matter)
      • availability of strong interest to the profession
      • be sociable and communicative
      • sufficient intellectual development, diversity of interests, a broad outlook
      • the ability to make independent decisions and withstand others’ thoughts
      • good health and high resistance to stress
      • ability to work with a personal computer


      The training of polygraph examiners consists of three consecutive mandatory stages:
      • Preparatory (external) stage – self-familiarization with the theoretical bases, which allows to understand the general principles and terminology of the expert polygraph examiner profession. It takes place before the start of full-time study based on the materials provided to students. Lasts 14 days before full-time study. It is held at the place of residence of students, without leaving Kyiv.
      • Full-time – the main stage –study directly theoretical, methodical and practical material, perform voluminous homework. The duration of the full-time part – 30 days. The duration of the practical training is at least 150 hours. The material is maximally adapted for all students, regardless of the level of preparation of each. This stage takes place exclusively in Kyiv. After this stage, students receive education documents and can begin to conduct official polygraph tests.
      • Individual curatorial support – each graduate is assigned an individual curator, who helps with the analysis of the research, answers the questions in 24/7 mode, suggests ways to solve difficult situations and does not leave the beginner polygraph examiner alone with problems that may arise during the formation stage. Duration – six months. It is held at the place of residence of students, without leaving the city of Kyiv.

        The training of polygraph examiners are conducted in groups of 6 to 12 people.

      Classes during the full-time stage are held from 9:00 to 14:00 from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Weekend is Sunday.

      Daily homework is provided, which takes 2-3 hours to complete.

      The permanent attendance at classes is required. The training is conducted in Ukrainian or Russian depending on the decision of the majority of students.

      The result of the training is a comprehensive examination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in conducting research using polygraph. It is allowed to retake an exam.

      Graduates of official polygraph examiners course are provided with the following documents:

      Certificate of polygraph examiner of a state sample of National I.I.Mechnikov University

      диплом свидетельство свідоцтво поліграфолога

      The only official document in Ukraine on the education of a private polygraph examiner, which is issued by the National University

      Certificate of a polygraph examiner – a member of the UPA

      Посвідчення поліграфолога удостоверение полиграфолога

      Certificate of a polygraph examiner and a member of the Ukrainian Polygraph Association, which is the basis for inclusion to the Unified Register of Polygraph examiners

      In addition, each polygraph examiner who has been trained at the UPA is provided with a methodology for conducting researches using the UPA polygraph and advanced literature on the work with the polygraph and psychophysiology.

      курсы обучение полиграфологов вап ассоциация полиграфологов курси поліграфологів навчання підготовка подготовка

      The photo shows President of UPA, Doctor of Psychological Sciences T. Morozova and a graduate of the UPA polygraph examiners course (October 2018), Candidate of Law, Head of the Security Service of the Ministry of Defense Structural Division, V. Sokolkin.


      Before studying:

      1.Candidates send to the mail ([email protected]) electronically (jpeg or pdf format) the following documents:

      • diploma of higher education (specialty does not matter)
      • passport (1 and 2 pages)
      • CV

      2.Based on the results of the documents review and the candidate’s identity, a decision is made to conclude a written contract.

      We are the only one in Ukraine who conclude official written agreements on the organization of training of polygraph examiners. All payment are made in a cashless form.

      During the studies, each student must have:

      • originals of the above mentioned documents
      • notebook with sheets of A-4 format to write down the lecture
      • pens / pencils of different colors
      • a Windows 7 or 10 laptop with administrator rights


      Each graduate of UPA courses

      • history of formation and development of special psychophysiological studies using a lie detector
      • the basic stages of development of means and methods of polygraph testing
      • methodological bases of researches using polygraph
      • requirements for the organization of polygraph tests
      • basics of visual and expert evaluation and analysis of registered (recorded) reactograms (polygrams), basics of diagnostics of emotional state of the subject
      • factors affecting the reliability of conclusions on the results of research on the lie detector
      • the content of the normative legal acts related while conducting judicial expertise with use of polygraph
      • principles of predicting human behavior by known behavioral characteristics and psychophysiological research data
      • informative signs of physiological reactions and system of evaluation of polygrams

        IS ABLE TO:
      • organize professional activities on the basis of the knowledge gained
      • evaluate the possibility of a polygraph check to find out the questions that have been resolved
      • choose ways and methods of conducting polygraph research, which are adequate to the issues raised for resolving
      • analyze verbal and nonverbal manifestations of psychological and physiological activity of the subject during the tests on the lie detector
      • apply different methods of testing on the lie detector when conducting investigations, service checks, solving personnel problems
      • confidently work with the equipment for conducting researches and forensics using a polygraph
      • recognize the signs of opposition to conducting a survey using polygraph devices


      After training, you will be able to choose one of the options:

      1. Get a job as a polygraph examiner in government agencies Currently, every law enforcement agency or ministry has created or is in the process of creating a division of polygraph examiners. This also applies to regions. The effectiveness of the polygraph in recruiting and solving crimes in the 2020s gave impetus to the development of the profession. Currently, there are vacancies for polygraph examiners in NABU, SBU, Prosecutor General’s Office, DBR and SAP. Salary starts from UAH 20,000.
      2. Get a job as a polygraph examiner in private structures (banks, payment systems, retail chains, agro holdings, etc., the salary is about UAH 15-25 thousand, polygraph examiner should search for the job by himself).
      3. Start a private practice of a polygraph examiner and «work for yourself». In this case, your earnings can range from USD 500 to USD 3000 per month. It will depend on your professionalism and ability to choose the right advertising and marketing strategies. We will help you to register your business in accordance with the law, to choose the right forms of activity, the optimal form of management.

      We can also offer you a ready-made website template for promotion.

      UPA does not guarantee employment after training, however, none of our graduates who have a strong desire for the profession and have successfully completed polygraph courses have yet been left without a job. We give our graduates recommendations that are listened to.


      Beginning of the next training course for polygraph examiners: August 29 – September 24, 2022.
      The next course of polygraph examiners  will be in November – December 2022.

      The cost of a full course of group training / training of an expert polygraph examiner (3 stages), starting on August 29, 2022, is USD 2,000 (calculated in hryvnias at the real market selling rate of the dollar).

      Payment is made in non-cash form. A contract is concluded.

      The cost of individual training (3 stages, schedule to be agreed) – 5000 USD (calculated in UAH at the market rate).


      10% – for companies that order training for two or more people.

      20% – for law enforcement officers, including former police officers.

      Graduates also receive a discount of up to $ 200 on RUBICON polygraphs.

      The Ukrainian Polygraph Association gaining groups for training courses candidates from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, Chernihiv, Poltava, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, Kropyvnytskyi, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Melitopol, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Zhytomyr, Lviv, Rivne, Uzhhorod, Khmelnytskyi and other cities of Ukraine.


      To apply for training, call:
      +38 096 966 9000 | Volodymyr Vedmid, Executive director of UPA


      You can also send an application for training to e-mail. UPA mail: [email protected]

      Groups are recruited in order of priority of receiving applications.

      Place of study: Kyiv, str. Frometivska, 2a (MAUP, metro Demiivska).

      Study schedule: 9:00 – 14:00 from Monday to Saturday inclusive.


      Psychiatrist Tatiana Shevchenko radically changed her life and became a polygraph examiner. Now her salary is over $ 1000

      All polygraph experts of Kiev Institute of Forensic Science have been trained in our courses and this is the highest level of recognition


      Are you interested in the profession of “polygraph examiner”?

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        About polygraph experts training in August 2021:


        Business services indicated on this page are provided by business entities – members of the VAP.